Thursday, October 10, 2013

Utilizing Twitter and Evernote

Twitter typically is known for being a social networking site. However, you can also use Twitter to create a Professional Learning Network. What is a Professional Learning Network? Commonly referred to as PLN, a Professional Learning Network refers to "the entire collection of people with whom you engage and exchange information, usually online." (2009, Klingensmith). Professional learning networks allow the user to share and find information easily. By utilizing Twitter specifically for a Professional Learning Network the user can choose who they want to follow, communicate with, therefore filter the type of information that pops up on your home page.

Twitter is one of the easiest social networking sites to create a Professional Learning Network. Twitter allows the user to not only follow other colleagues and specific people but also businesses. When trying to create a Professional Learning Network it is important to remember you choose the type and amount of information you will receive. It is important to have followers so you can share your own ideas, but who you are following is also important. Who you follow helps you develop your Professional Learning Network to make it what it is designed for. "It is created and maintained to provide you sources and that only comes from those who you follow." ( 2013, Whitby). Twitter also has a feature, where you can "hashtag" something. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by a hash or pound sign (#) and used to identify messages on a specific topic. Hashtags allow the user to share their topic they are tweeting about to other users as well as see what other users are saying about the same topic.

I recently have started building my own Personal Learning Network through twitter. By following other classmates, professors, and other professional accounts regarding education such as The Common Core, I am able to use twitter to get updates from my teachers on any updates or announcements regarding class and assignments. I am also able to communicate with other classmates in case I have any questions or comments we may wish to communicate with each other. There are many accounts such as The Common Core and other educational accounts that are made strictly to keep followers up to date with news regarding education. By following these accounts I can stay up to date on any important news and be fully aware of everything going on in education as I study and prepare to become a teacher.

Once I become a teacher I plan to fully utilize Twitter in order to stay up to date on current events in education, make announcements for class, and stay connected with colleagues . By keeping my Twitter a professional account I will be able to stay up to date with what is going on in the world of teaching as well as share some of my thoughts and opinions.

Another great tool that can be very beneficial for students is Evernote. Evernote is a great tool that allows the user to keep electronic notebooks, share information, and stay organized much easier than the traditional notebook.

Why use Evernote and not Microsoft word? I prefer Evernote because it pretty much has the same features as Microsoft, but is easier to stay organized. However, if you are familiar with programs such as Microsoft Windows and more comfortable typing on a program such as Microsoft, you can still use these programs. Evernote allows the user to import their files by simply attaching files. You can also record videos / take pictures and import them to Evernote. Evernote is a free App, and by signing into your account you can sync your accounts to multiple devices such as your laptop and iPad. 

I currently have been using Evernote to stay organized by keeping notes for my various classes organized by subjects, and keep journals with notes from my field work experiences. By using Evernote I can make sure that my notes will not be lost incase my computer crashes. I like to keep my notes from my observations organized in Evernote because then they are easy to access as well as saved in case I ever need to view them in the future. I also can create public or private links to share with others. By doing this I can choose who can access my journals in Evernote and easily share them with my desired audience. Evernote has made sharing observations from my field work with professors much easier and efficient.

When I am a teacher I plan to use Evernote to help me stay organized with my notes for different subjects. By keeping separate notebooks for each subject I will make sure to stay organized! Evernote will also be more reliable to keep my files in case my computer ever crashes, I will not loose all my important documents.

Technology is constantly advancing, and can be very beneficial for the classroom if used correctly. We must adapt our classrooms to the always changing world of technology. By using tools such as Twitter and Evernote we will be able to work more efficiently as well as stay up to date with current events occurring in the world of education.

Professional Learning Network Video


Kinglensmith, K. (2009). PLN: Your Personal Learning Network Made Easy. Once A Teacher...  Retrieved from http://

Whitby, T. (2013, January 11). Building a professional learning network on Twitter SmartBlogs. Retrieved October 9, 2013, from

White, A. (n.d.). Professional Learning Network [Video file]. Retrieved from